I decided to add an option to the official website of the game to translate it into several additional languages. It will be Portuguese, German and Spanish. These are the languages according to MovieStatswhich, uses the largest number of players (except, of course, Polish and English).
Information about the Web page
New layout
The current theme of the service though was very functional a little differed from today's Web standards. I decided to it so a little refresh. Quite a long time I was looking for a template that would be to as functional as the original. In the end I managed to find one that meets my expectations. Here's so I am pleased to present a refreshed page was the official game business.
In addition, the CV home page, available at moviebusiness.tomiga.net also has been modified to include links to the most important section of the website.
As usual, any comments and comments about the new layout mile wdziane.
MovieBusiness new site alias
The movie business has another alias official website www. This is the moviebusiness.tomiga.net that redirects to the home page where it is easier to select a language version. This is making it easier for all non English speaking players.
Alias biznesfilmowy.tomiga.net of course still works and the player who speak the language of Polish may continue to use it. They will be directed immediately to the site with news in Polish.
Version 0.8.0 ready for download!
I am pleased to announce that a new version Business of film 2 is now available and ready for download.
I remind you that the most important changes that you will find in it are the availability of two polish and English language versions in the game and improving the balance of challenges, trophies and objectives. There was also a new version of the set with a few additional creators.
Other changes can be found in the last post, and detailed information about modifications and fixes can be found in the version history.
Also, remember the orders that were done on the MovieStats . Accounts not used (without activation) have been deleted, while the rest have been cleared of the history of all achievements, statistics and videos.
Finally, one more piece of information. In a week's time, a new probe is launched... I think very intriguing… i mam nadzieję, że nie będę jej żałował 😉
For now, let me know what do you think of the new version and come back here in a week…
The game can be download from section Download MB2
New template and the English version of the site
You probably have already noticed. Page had a new look. Whether the nicer? I do not know, but better zagospodarowującego areas of large, modern screens. In addition, a new template allowed the chapter section of the side on the right and left. I hope that this will facilitate navigation on the site.
The second novelty related to the service is its English version. In the right column you will find the TRANSLATE TO options with the possibility of switching between Polish and English (this is done by selecting the appropriate flag). Translation is half automatic so if you find fragments that can not be understood, let me know I will try to rewrite it somehow manually.
Surely you would like to know what is the current progress on the new version of the game?
biznesfilmowy.tomiga.net or new addresses
The last serious failures prv.pl (the server aliases to Web pages) meant that access to services related to the project BF was heavily eroded. The whole situation irritated me enough that I made the decision to buy back its own domain.
Because I have a couple of non-commercial projects too expensive would be the establishment of a separate domain for each of them. Therefore, I decided to group all your "work" under one umbrella: tomiga.net
From today, so the official addresses of the parties associated with the film Business:
- Official site-> http://biznesfilmowy.tomiga.net
- MovieStats – > http://moviestats.tomiga.net
An additional benefit for you, with the new domains, no ads that pop up when I used the aliases prv.pl.
Although the old redirects still remaining (today, probably even work) is looking at their niedeterministyczność, I suggest to update your bookmarks and use the new, official addresses.
If You are interested in a slightly longer history tomiga.net I invite you to your private blog where I devoted this event full entry.
New page – Director's Cut
Because nazbierało already quite a lot of long entries for the Business of Film in my personal blog, I decided to put direct links to them, also on the official website of the BFa. I think that every fan will find there a lot of interesting information about the game, as well as interesting information about the process of its formation. So here's a welcome today a new section in the menu About the Game, entitled, Director's Cut. Feel free to check.
Welcome to the new site Film Business
The Film Business Project has seen a new installment of the official website. By switching to WordPress, which most commercial websites and blogs use, in addition to a more professional look, I gain the opportunity to upload information and news more efficiently and easier content administration.
Readers, on the other hand, will be able to comment on individual entries, and also receive more intuitive access to social media, which is the current BF and new tracking page (RSS). I hope that will increase also the reliability of certain services (availability of downloads and probes).
I introduced a new system. You can test it right away, since today there is another poll (you can find it on the right side). This time the question is: "How to learn about the latest news in BF?".
So look around, calmly, on the side and in case of comments or suggestions, what else could be on it, write boldly comments.
The old version of the site, preserved for nostalgic-historical purposes, you will find here.