Do premiery nowej wersji Biznesu Filmowego coraz bliżej. Czas więc na przedstawienie najważniejszych zmian, które w niej znajdziecie.
Biznes Filmowy and Movie Business
Największą nowością (w kontekście czasu na nią poświęconego) jest to o czym już Was informowałem w poprzednich wpisach. Obsługa wielu języków. Zarówno gra jak i serwis MovieStats będą dostępne w wersji polsko- i angielskojęzycznej. Oficjalną nazwa gry po angielsku będzie Movie Business 2 (z małym podtytułem “The Road to Hollywood” 😉
Algorithms and balance of the game
Currently on this page you can find a probe in which I ask you about the feelings about the degree of difficulty in the game. So far, the results indicate that more players think the game is harder than easier. It is true that the results you achieve in MovieStats so does not arise but I decided to work a little on the balance of some elements of the game.
The result will be a decrease in the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and a slightly increase in the price of advertising campaigns.
With the statistics of MovieStats it was discovered that some of the trophies had never been won by any of the players. It looks like they're a bit too hard. Therefore, some trophy conditions have been modified.
There have been some similar modifications, although here I have tried to work on better balancing rather than simplification.
Reset statistics and movies
All these operations affecting algorithms make it pointless to compare the achievements and performance of players with previous versions. This means that all statistics will be reset before the new version is published.
As part of the cleanup, all accounts not used (i.e. accounts that have not been activated by players) will be deleted.
The remaining profiles will be automatically converted to the latest version when the game starts.
Other changes
Among other notable changes, it is worth mentioning the modification of the rules for lending cash to other players in party game mode (they will be more restrictive).
In addition, several bugs have been fixed in the game and as usual new ones have been introduced as well as improved existing texts used to generate reviews.
Before the launch, there is also a small update of the developers.
And that's so much of the most important changes... I just have to do the last tests and you wait for the official release.
I'm looking forward to your game sucking for long hours:)
For some time I have not followed the update, whether the new versions are already the option to write and read?
No, there is no