Aktualizacja twórców wersja 75

Dzisiaj kolejna aktualizacja twórców o numerze 75, w której dodano/zmodyfikowano 108 creators and 257 photos.

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • WhiterRabbit
  • Luke
  • Andrew89
  • Phil

Additionally, I updated the parameters of some creators after lively discussions on Discord 🙂

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

After this update, the official set will contain 5596 creators.

Aktualizacja twórców wersja 73

Dzisiaj kolejna aktualizacja twórców o numerze 73, w której dodano/zmodyfikowano 78 creators and 150 photos.

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • Balša Milijaš
  • WinterRabbit
  • Arek

Additionally, I updated the parameters of some creators after lively discussions on Discord 🙂

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

After this update, the official set will contain 5400 creators.

Creator's set Update Version 72

Today, another creator's set update number 72, in which was added/modified 73 creators and 93 photos.

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • No Names
  • Levardos
  • Salem

Additionally, I updated the parameters of some creators after lively discussions on Discord 🙂

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

After this update, the official set will contain 5359 creators.

Set Update Version 70

Today another set update. Which contains 251 creators and 491 photos.

In addition to the creators you added, I made a few additional changes:

  • changing most of the names of anime (cartoon character) to the original (instead of the Polish Myszka Miki we have now oryginal Mickey Mouse)
  • normalized the parameters of Polish creators (some players pointed out to me that they have too high statistics)

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • Keith

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

After this update, the official set will contain 5320 creators.

In the next version: Cult Characters and set update 65

After I informed you that in the next version you will be able to add own monsters, I have received signals that you would also like to be able to add cult characters directly from the game. It is true that here the functionality is not so critical (cult characters can be easily added from MovieStats) but after thinking about it, I found that in total why not give you such an option as well.

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It’s time for Cyberpunk – Set update

I have another set update for you today. It is so unusual that it has its own trailer…

This is it.

Yes, it adds to the set of creators characters from the iconic game CD Projekt RED Cyberpunk 2077.

In addition, some Asian artists from the Five Flavors Festival

You will find there 75 creators and 150 photos.

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

After this update, the official set will contain 4901 creators.

We have city to burn!

Movie Business 2020 Update 6

It's time for another update this time, as usuall, small bug fixes, changes in the balance of the game and an update to the creator set.

For a complete list of fixes and changes, see version history.

This update also includes new creators set with version 62.

Najwięksi kontrybutorzy do tej wersji to:

  • Martin Prymas
  • Andrew89
  • Luke

Wielkie dzięki.

As usual, you can download the game from the page Download MB2

Otrzymałem głosy że niektórzy mieli problem z wczytaniem dużych zapisów stanu gry. W tej wersji udało się nieco odchudzić zapis (o ok 10 MB). Dajcie znać jeżeli wciąż będziecie mieli problemy z odczytaniem zapisów stanów gry.

Have fun!

P.S A jeszcze w najbliższych dniach szykujcie się na nowy trailer 😉

Movie Business 2020 Update 5

Unfortunately, it was not possible to prevent errors in the last update. Hence the need for another version. It corrects two main problems. Not being able to create continuation other than the sequel (in some cases), and improving the game balance (unfortunately I underestimated some parameters and the game turned out to be too simple).

Podziękowania dla Jakub and Bartosz za pomoc w identyfikacji problemów.

For a complete list of fixes and changes, see version history.

As usual, you can download the game from the page Download MB2

Miłej zabawy i jeżeli zauważycie jakieś dalsze anomalie (czy to błędy czy np. fakt, że Waszy filmy mają podejrzanie duże zyski 😉 to proszę o kontakt.


Movie Business 2020 Update 4

As announced here are the 4 update to Edition 2020 Movie Business 2.

The most important changes are:

  • hiring a screenwriter to improve the script,
  • Alternative movie events
  • Charts and statistics about films
  • changes in Casting
  • a new look of detailed film information
  • intensification of advertising
  • new cult movies
  • Set version 61 with many new cult characters

So you could read about the individual changes in the dedicated texts in Polish and English

If you have not yet read them, I invite you to read.

For a complete list of fixes and changes, see version history.

As usual, you can download the game from the page Download MB2

Have fun.


Movie Business 2020 Update 3

Update number 3 for Edition 2020 is now available. Fixes a few minor bugs and made small improvements.

The game includes an update to set 60.

The main contributors allowed this update:

  • andrew89 (50 creators)
  • Luke (4 creators)

Detailed information about the corrected bugs and a few trifles can be found in the version history.

As usual, you can download the game from the page Download MB2


Movie Business 2019 Update 6 – Halloween Edition

Halloween is an excuse for the next (already last in edition 2019) update to improve several bugs. Again you can find detailed information about the corrected errors and a few items in the version history.

This time we also have a set update 58 To which I added several Halloween cult characters Horror films and to preserve the balance… A bit of supermodels;). In addition, it also includes a few of your suggestions.

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • andrew89
  • Arek

The official set already includes 4 524 creators and more than 12 500 photos.

As usual, you can download the game from the page Download MB2

Movie Business 2019 Update 5

Yes, another update that fixes several bugs is now available. Thanks again to Chino Derienwho reported career issues at the Professional level. Detailed information about corrected errors and a few new small things can be found in version history.

This time we also have a set update 57 

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • andrew89
  • Arek
  • Andy
  • Isimeli

The official set already includes 4429 creators. In addition, appeared cult characters from MCU universe.

As usual, you can download the game from the page Download MB2

P.S. Soon I will have a task for you related to the next edition of the game;).

Set Update version 53

Today another set update. Which contains73 creators and 131 photos.

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • Arek
  • andrew89
  • Iván
  • Vonder

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

After this update, the official set will contain 4275 creators.


P.S. The first update of the game itself is coming, so if you found any bugs that needs to be fixed this last days to let me know.

Update 2 version 2018 Movie Business and creators of version 50

Another update edit 2018 is ready to download. It does not make too many changes, but corrects several errors, and improves the game balance.

For a complete list of changes see version history. The game you obtain it, as usual, with the subpage Download MB2.

This version also updates the set makers to 50 version which adds a 194.

Read more

Over 3000 artists or update 48

To ostatnia aktualizacja twórców w tym roku. Jednak bardzo istotna. Dzięki Waszemu zaangażowaniu i aktywności sprawia ona, że oficjalny zestaw twórców przekroczył barierę 3000 osób dostępnych w bazie gry (dokładnie 3092). Gorąco chciałem podziękować wszystkich, którzy przyczynili się do pokonania tej bariery.

Today's set update brings 239 creators and 483 photos.

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • Balša Milijaš
  • andrew89
  • Arek
  • Bohusz

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

A przy okazji życzę Wam Wesołych Świąt!

P.S. Życzeń noworocznych jeszcze nie składam, bo w tym roku planuję jeszcze jeden wpis 🙂

Update on the creators of 47

Today another set update. Which contains 134 creators and 371 photos.

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • Balša Milijaš
  • Tomas Av
  • robbert
  • andrew89

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

After this update, the official set will contain 2935 creators.


PS Soon there will be new interesting information as to what the next version of the game.

Updated 46 developers

Today another update in which you will find 128 creators and 366 photos. This time you will find in it a lot of makers of Spanish-speaking (mainly from Mexico and Spain)

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • Balša Milijaš

In total, the default set of games already has 2915 creators.

There is still a lot of creators which did and are waiting for verification for a couple of weeks so expect the next update.

Updated 45 developers

As promised today another update. You will find it 132 creators and 278 photos.

The largest contributors to this update are:

  • Balša Milijaš
  • Tomas Av
  • andrew89 

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

In total, the default set of games already has 2798 creators.

Ponieważ wciąż niektórzy z Was bardzo aktywnie dodajecie twórców pewnie wkrótce pojawi się kolejna aktualizacja. Oby tak dalej 🙂

Update on the creators of 44 with a surprise for contributors

Another update set of creators just saw the light of day. It contains 86 and 508 photos (including more than 200 cult artists). The largest contributors allowed this update:

  • Balša Milijaš
  • Tomas Av
  • andrew89 

Plenty of cult characters as usual was added by Łukasz Oleksiak.

Since the last zasypaliście me suggestions makers, which have not had time to review and verify any time soon you can expect the next update.

Today's update had one goal, test out new functionality in the MovieStatsthat is, that at the time of the release of new update set of creators, all contributors allowed to this version will receive an email with the information as proposed by their creators in the update. It is a kind of little thing but I hope it will remind you that your work associated with proposal makers has its tangible results.

Here one more Note If you get an email, and last not dodawaliście new proposals, that is, one with the added in the past by the creators had to update (may affect the data, parameters, or added photos basic or the iconic heroes played by that person).

The update will take place after launching a new game with the default set of creators (details can be found here).

In total, the default set of games already has 2567 creators.

Update on the creators of 43

And we have another creators set update… This time, quite a lot. It contains 181 creators and 435 photos. The largest kontrybutorami this update were andrew89 and Karol. For his part, I managed to add at the end a bit from years 70 's and early 80 's. In addition, supplemented the set of about a dozen less popular artists emerging in the cult films and iconic characters in them.

Update will apply when you run the a new game a default set of authors (details can be found here) – It may take quite a while.

In total, the default set of games already has 2544 creators.