After I informed you that in the next version you will be able to add own monsters, I have received signals that you would also like to be able to add cult characters directly from the game. It is true that here the functionality is not so critical (cult characters can be easily added from MovieStats) but after thinking about it, I found that in total why not give you such an option as well.
It is true that the user who really cared about this functionality had a slightly non-standard case (he really wanted to have Tom Cruise as Iron Man with a dedicated photo) but perhaps there are more such non-standard cases among players;).
When extending a set, I really want to not do it just “for personal use”. That is why MovieStats was created so that by adding the creators you would like to see in the game, you also participate in its development and that your activity also has a positive impact on the entire community of players. Therefore, I decided to extend the functionality of adding cult characters locally in such a way that such creator is simultaneously exported to MovieStats. Thanks to this, your local work can also contribute to the development of the game. Of course, the files you added will be moderated before they appear in the official set (unfortunately, many players still have problems with the proper preparation of photos). However, locally, you will be able to use your own cult characters before the official set is updated. I also added this functionality to own monsters…
If you're adding photos of cult character, the rules will be similar as usual. The photos themselves must be in jpg format (with jpg extension) with a size of 100 x 120 pixels, which is the standard used in the game and not exceeding 9 Kb. A little more problems can cause proper naming of the photo because it requires the appropriate format.
And so it will be name lastname_cult character.jpg
Sometimes there may be problems choosing your name appropriately (as it should not contain special national characters – most often). However, this can be checked in-game.
Since we are already at the creators, today was the next update of the set with number 65.
You will find in it added or updated 82 creators and 230 photos.
The largest contributors to this update are:
- Luke
- Dean
- Arek
As usual, they thank you for your contribution.
The update will take place after the start of the new game with the default set of developers (see here).