IMDB Filmography Tool (v2.0) pozwala pobrać dane o filmografii twórcy z IMDB podając jedynie link do strony danego twórcy w tej bazie. Usprawnia on proces dodawania nowego twórcy w MovieStats.

Installation and commissioning

  1. Download IMDBTool (966 pobrań) (ok. 400kB)
  2. Unpack the archive
  3. Start applications ApiTestApp.exe

Instructions for use

  1. Enter the address of the creator from IMDB
  2. Select the creator's profession in the game
  3. Press GO!
  4. After a moment, a list of films will appear in the window
  5. Use the Copy to Clipboard aby skopiować dane do schowa (w przypadku włączonej opcji Automatically copy to clipboard to akcja jest podejmowana automatycznie)
  6. Paste the contents of the clipboard in description field of newly added creator in MovieStats


Additional Options

  • Clear – clears the contents of the window filmography
  • Response – shows the original response IMDB as xml
  • Help – help page
  • Automatically Copy to Clipboard – Once you have downloaded the data from the IMDB automatically copies them to the Clipboard
  • Get – the ability to download link to the video after administration of its title and year

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