Download MB2

Edition 2023.0.1 z dnia 2023-03-11

From this page you can download the latest version of the Movie Business 2. However, before you do this, read the following important information.


  • System Windows (with service packs) on which libraries can be installed .NET Framework 4.7.2 (10)
  • In case of Linux niezbędny jest Wine and additional libraries for more details can be found in the entry Movie Business on Linux
  • Screen resolution of at least 1024×720 height if you have a monitor larger than 1080p check this blog post.
  • Approx. 800MB on disk
  • Administrator privileges needed to install
  • Internet connection if you want to use the site with statistics MovieStats
  • Note to users of Windows 7. The game requires the presence of Service Pack 1 and latest updates .Net Framework. If the automatic update system for example. to not allow upgrade to Windows 10. The installer may refuse to install the game due to the lack of compatibility with the system. Upgrade to the latest version of .NET Framework then manually.
  • For Windows 8, version 8.1 is required

If you have problems downloading the file

It may happen that you will not be able to download the file (it will be blocked during download by the browser).

How to overcome this problem check in a dedicated thread on the forum

Before installing

If you have installed an older version of the game, you need to uninstall it before installing the new one!

Note: For this use Windows feature: Add/Remove Program. (If you try to delete the files manually, you won't be able to install the new version or uninstall the old one.)

NOTE: When in the course of the uninstall will be additional pane select DO NOT REMOVE files. Otherwise, you will lose all your saved profiles.

In case of problems with the installation

Some users have reported problems with running the installation (e.g. lack of access to the file). It turned out that this may be due to the activity of some antivirus programs. If a problem occurs.

At the time of installation, please deactivate your antivirus program.

Information about changes that have occurred in the game can be found in the version history.

Download Movie Business 2

Basic information about the file:

  • Version: 2023.0.1
  • Date:2023-03-1
  • Status: final
  • Size: approx. 170 MB

The game can be downloaded from the website

or IndieDB

Movie Business 2 game – Indie DB

Movie Business 2

Comments and Problems

Sometimes you may receive error messages related to the fact that the game is not digitally signed which is automatically recognised by the system as dangerous application. If you have such a case, write to me to analyze the situation.

If you download/install you run into a problem with the Windows Defender check out This thread on the forum!

The installation process

Run the installer as administrator (right click and select Run as administrator)

Setup of the game is in English, hence the little help:

  • in the window with the information to be able to continue with the installation, select I have read it, understand it, and agree to it which means that you have read, understood and agree to the terms of the license

Note the game during installation may halt for quite a while this is the normal behavior (extracting large amounts of files).

The whole installation process and launch the game you can follow here.

In case of problems

If you encounter a problem that prevents you installing or running the game write me about it by email or .

Movie Business and high-resolution monitors and system fonts > 100% of the

Some screen configurations (especially those with resolutions greater than FullHD (1080p) or when the system uses fonts larger than 100%. You may experience problems with scaling windows in application. How to work around this issue I described on the forum in this thread.

If you liked the Movie Business…

and would like to express my gratitude, recognition or simply motivate the developer to further work, and by the way, get some bonuses in the game, check out the micrositeDonation.

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