In the next version: Cheat code to reduce randomness

Quite recently on Discord there was, once again, a discussion about randomness in the Movie Business. More specifically, some players have a problem with the game's overall assumptions about total randomness when it comes to judging the creators' performances in the film. I do not want to develop this topic again (as I mentioned it in the game manifesto Movie Business for Beginners), because I consider it to be the main mechanics of the game, which makes the Movie Business a unique production and has its own character.

However, I decided to give doubters the opportunity to experiment with this randomness and find out for yourself why turning off this element will negatively affect the long-term gameplay.

Well, in the 2022 Edition, donors will receive a new cheat code "I do not understand art", which will change one of the key algorithms of the game affecting randomness.

Image by Erik Stein from Pixabay

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Cheat Codes

I think it is high time to end the current poll related to cheat codes in the second part of the game.

There were 198 votes. By what 116 people would like to have the option, 73 No, and 9 people stopped. By the way, expanding my knowledge in the field of game design, my approach to cheat codes last bit has evolved ... because it turns out that it's not always about the fraud. Just do not all want to/can afford long playing a game, and sometimes want to stress, shoot some movies with well-known artists, which probably reflects well on the same game ... that no extra motivation (in the form of challenges or other "zachęcaczy") If you like in it, just play ...

Immediately uspokajam those where such an option does not, that cheat codes will not be available in all game modes, and only those, where they will not interfere with achievement and other gameplay objectives (as in career mode or challenge).

So officially I confirm that cheat codes will appear in the next version… but there is nothing for free if you wanted to have such option that I have a task for you ... or even two.

Pierwsze brzmi jakiego rodzaju cheat kody chętnie byście zobaczyli w grze. Domyślam się, że obowiązkowo ma być to zwiększenie dostępnej gotówki. Ale może macie jakieś inne propozycje… np. słyszałem, że niektórzy nie lubią animków i może chcieliby je wyłączyć? Dajcie znać co ewentualnie jeszcze można by wrzucić pod ogólne pojęte cheat codes / easter eggs 😉

The second task related to the first is password, that these codes would activate ... instead of writing such as $100 million can be used for some of the famous quote from the movie like "Show me the money"which exclaimed, Cuba Gooding, Jr. in the film Jerry Maguire

And if you do not take advantage of the opportunity to give some own ideas ... well… you will be one to blame…


Poll: Did cheat codes should appear in BF2

I'm not an advocate of cheating in games. Moreover, your opinion on this topic I in this text placed in Director's Cut When I discovered that players use prohibited practices in BFie. Recently, however, I looked at this issue from a slightly different perspective. Thanks to reading the first chapters of books dedicated to the Level Design which I mentioned You on the occasion of the collection on the pole. (Collection was a success and got already a brief but expert analysis, and the conclusions of it probably will contribute to the emergence of several new, small but interesting in-game items).

The author writes in it that the codes often use the most committed players to experiment and discover as much as possible depending on the game.

Don't panic on players who use fraud, until do not spoil the fun for other players. Codes to exclude some challenges allow them to tune the level of commitment to your own needs.

Hence the idea for this poll ... What do you think? Or cheat codes should appear in BF2?

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