Proposals of improvements for reviews in MovieStats

In the Movie Business you will find descriptive reviews of your movies this is one of the features of the game with which I am quite proud of but mainly… with the Polish version. When I decided to create an English version of the game, there were many texts that need to be translated, that the only way to do it in a reasonable time was to use the automatic translation function. Unfortunately, the Polish language is quite complicated, and the result of such a translation leaves much to be desired. Hence, I decided to provide you with a tool that will allow you to suggest a better version of existing reviews. The tool will be available in MovieStats in the tab Reviews.

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Poll. How often do you read descriptive reviews?

It's been a long time since there was a last poll. So today is a new about descriptive reviews available in the game. How often do you read descriptive reviews?

How often do you read descriptive reviews?

  • always but only for my movies (40%, 21 Votes)
  • always for my movies and sometimes for others (21%, 11 Votes)
  • sometimes (15%, 8 Votes)
  • I do not read because I'm not interested (10%, 5 Votes)
  • do not read because I get bored (8%, 4 Votes)
  • often (6%, 3 Votes)

Voters: 52

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And the question is indirectly linked with the new functionality, which should appear in a few days.

Translation and review updates

Nowa wersja Biznesu Filmowego wprowadza kilka istotnych zmian i usprawnień w recenzjach. Pojawienie się sequeli wymusiło znaczne rozbudowanie ilości warunków, które wpływają na ich tworzenie. Niezbędne było dodanie wielu zależności pomiędzy nowym filmem, a oryginałem, począwszy od jego oceny, przez wartości poszczególnych parametrów scenariusza, po obecność lub brak konkretnych twórców oraz oceny ich występu w obu częściach. Zależności są dosyć skomplikowane izobaczymy jak będą sprawdzać się w praktyce. Sugeruję jednak uważne przyglądanie się nowym recenzjom 🙂

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