Nowa wersja Biznesu Filmowego wprowadza kilka istotnych zmian i usprawnień w recenzjach. Pojawienie się sequeli wymusiło znaczne rozbudowanie ilości warunków, które wpływają na ich tworzenie. Niezbędne było dodanie wielu zależności pomiędzy nowym filmem, a oryginałem, począwszy od jego oceny, przez wartości poszczególnych parametrów scenariusza, po obecność lub brak konkretnych twórców oraz oceny ich występu w obu częściach. Zależności są dosyć skomplikowane i… zobaczymy jak będą sprawdzać się w praktyce. Sugeruję jednak uważne przyglądanie się nowym recenzjom 🙂
Other changes regarding the translation of reviews have been forced by Google policy. Well, so far, in the English version of the game, the original reviews, which are created in Polish, have been translated live using the API provided by the Google Translate service.
Unfortunately, some time ago the open API was closed and you can only use it if you have a paid subscription. Therefore, it was necessary to make a modification in the code consisting in giving up online translation (which also sometimes caused some problems) in favor of having previously translated (offline) phrases in a separate file. This change should slightly improve the quality of translation (although only to a small extent, because still the vast majority of texts have been translated automatically).
Another new, very useful, feature is a mechanism that allows you to automatically update reviews. Automatic creator update introduced with the service MovieStats, works very well and allowed for independent improvement or expansion of the developer base without the need to release a new version of the game. I decided to create a similar mechanism for reviews.
From now on, I will be able to update them without the need to prepare a new version of the game. The only difference from the developer update is that the review update will take place in the background, at startup, and the player will not be informed about the update by any pop-up window (the number of pop-ups at the start of the game is already quite large).
Of course, you will able to check the version of the files used in the review, in the window About Reviews.
Finally, a word to everyone who wants to help improve the game. If you have the desire and skills to translate the texts of the review from Polish into English, of course I encourage you to contact me, the texts to be translated are enough for everyone…