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Practically in every game that I play at some point of post 2010 the inflation on the cast salary and the studio cost are so high that is impossible make a movie. A movie with mediocre actors can cost you 40-50 million. But this inflation isn't tied to the revenue inflation. It has happened to someone else?

Usually around 2015-2016 I Have around 600 millions and I end broke in 2 years (not only me also de AI)

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Wysłany przez: dester23

Practically in every game that I play at some point of post 2010 the inflation on the cast salary and the studio cost are so high that is impossible make a movie. A movie with mediocre actors can cost you 40-50 million. But this inflation isn't tied to the revenue inflation. It has happened to someone else?

Yes there is inflation which is getting higer every month. But also the revenius are growith as the profits depends on audience which is translated to money which takes into account inflation. So the same amout of the audience will translate to different profits depends on the year (or more precisly the start of the game).

Concerning the cost of studio and stars it hard to tell as there are many factors which influence them.

In general there are few ways to decrease the cost of the movie:

- for studio you can build your own and make upgrads (which may reduce of cost of studio or post production)

- for cast you can write the contract (the earlier the better so you can try to discover stars before they will become famous)

- change the cast... if you using the same creators all the time they salaries will rocket to the sky (as they become more popular) so try to find new actors

- if you have good relations with cast they may want to play in your movie for less salary (if movie fits their profile or they are intersted in motives used in films)

- remember about advertising... at some point of the game it is mandatory (10 years from start of the game) and depends on type of the movie it can be from 30% - 100% of production cost..

This is just a few hints.

Usually around 2015-2016 I Have around 600 millions and I end broke in 2 years (not only me also de AI)

Nobody report such problems. And I know that Donors often play with Game+ so till 2050 without issues.

Additional question at what year you start the game 1980?


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Wysłany przez: tomiga
Wysłany przez: dester23

Practically in every game that I play at some point of post 2010 the inflation on the cast salary and the studio cost are so high that is impossible make a movie. A movie with mediocre actors can cost you 40-50 million. But this inflation isn't tied to the revenue inflation. It has happened to someone else?

Yes there is inflation which is getting higer every month. But also the revenius are growith as the profits depends on audience which is translated to money which takes into account inflation. So the same amout of the audience will translate to different profits depends on the year (or more precisly the start of the game).

Concerning the cost of studio and stars it hard to tell as there are many factors which influence them.

In general there are few ways to decrease the cost of the movie:

- for studio you can build your own and make upgrads (which may reduce of cost of studio or post production)

- for cast you can write the contract (the earlier the better so you can try to discover stars before they will become famous)

- change the cast... if you using the same creators all the time they salaries will rocket to the sky (as they become more popular) so try to find new actors

- if you have good relations with cast they may want to play in your movie for less salary (if movie fits their profile or they are intersted in motives used in films)

- remember about advertising... at some point of the game it is mandatory (10 years from start of the game) and depends on type of the movie it can be from 30% - 100% of production cost..

This is just a few hints.

Usually around 2015-2016 I Have around 600 millions and I end broke in 2 years (not only me also de AI)

Nobody report such problems. And I know that Donors often play with Game+ so till 2050 without issues.

Additional question at what year you start the game 1980?

Yeah I start playing 1980s and since last week 1970s(I am a donor). And it's true that I like to use the same actors if they did great in previous movies. And I don't usually use contracts. The rest of the hints I knew before. But there's a point in the games where making movies isn't profitable, I will post screenshots the next time it happens.

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It happened again, I have more screenshots if you want i send to you via e-mail.

Studio with inflations cost. Is this normal?

The year the inflations starts.

In 2015... and

5 star mainstream movie with high adevrtisment and famous actors no making profits

In 2020...

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Thanks for screenshots but I am afraid they will not help much (as there many factors which may influence profits and fact that film was not successful is a not enough to analyse the problem).

I need more details (from inside the game) you can provide it in 2 ways.

A. Use reactions.

Reactions is mechanism which allows you to mark the specific movie with reaction. Such marked movies will be exported at the end of the game to the MovieStats (and there are much more information about movie itself which can be used for analyses).

More about reactions you can find in help

B. In newest version there are two cheat codes (used in Search Engine) which allows to export your profile and game save to MovieStats server. I can use this info to analyse the game more deeply (with debug option)

1. So play the game until you reach the time when problems are visible

2. Save the game

3. Exit the game and start the next to continue the game with saved data

4 Use cheat code to export the profile: exportDebugProfile

5. Use cheat code to export the game save: exportDebugSave

That is all. Your profile and save game will be exported to MovieStats so I can check in depth your gameplay.

Thanks for cooperation


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Wysłany przez: tomiga

Thanks for screenshots but I am afraid they will not help much (as there many factors which may influence profits and fact that film was not successful is a not enough to analyse the problem).

I need more details (from inside the game) you can provide it in 2 ways.

A. Use reactions.

Reactions is mechanism which allows you to mark the specific movie with reaction. Such marked movies will be exported at the end of the game to the MovieStats (and there are much more information about movie itself which can be used for analyses).

More about reactions you can find in help

B. In newest version there are two cheat codes (used in Search Engine) which allows to export your profile and game save to MovieStats server. I can use this info to analyse the game more deeply (with debug option)

1. So play the game until you reach the time when problems are visible

2. Save the game

3. Exit the game and start the next to continue the game with saved data

4 Use cheat code to export the profile: exportDebugProfile

5. Use cheat code to export the game save: exportDebugSave

That is all. Your profile and save game will be exported to MovieStats so I can check in depth your gameplay.

Thanks for cooperation

I'll do it, thank you. I've just started a game from 1970 to 2034. Soon as I can I'll export the profile and game save.

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Already done, in this game i didn't lose too much but the AI yes.

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Thanks for save and profile upload. I had quick look at this save and to say the truth I do not see problem here

I see only one movie of computer player which has 4* and did not return. (the rest still got some profits) But It may happen (it is not quaranteed that all movies will get profit)

Concerning your movie Recess it looks that it is overadvertised (in such case profits a getting much smaller then it should be).


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And your overadertisement compare it with advertising potentential)

Another story is spending 250 mln for Drama movie... in my opinion it is quity risky... 😉


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Wysłany przez: tomiga

And your overadertisement compare it with advertising potentential)

Another story is spending 250 mln for Drama movie... in my opinion it is quity risky... 😉

thank you for looking out the profiles

is true that sometimes when I have tons of money I risk spending a lot in Movies.

But the cast salaries around post 2011-2012 are normal?

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Also, i think it would be a good idea if AI could pay to use my studio, and be able to use my own studio for free, or for much lower costs.

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Wysłany przez: adilbeme

Also, i think it would be a good idea if AI could pay to use my studio, and be able to use my own studio for free, or for much lower costs.

I was thinking about such feature but unfortunate it is a bit complicated to implement based on current design. I would required massive redesign of some part of game and I think it is not worth it (too time consuming)


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