Cult characters

Just as there is a new version of the game, and I think the other interesting features. One of the following ideas that appeared are called. the cult of heroes.

What it is?

It often happens that the character played by the actor in a particular film is distinctive enough that when you create your film (e.g. the equivalent) do you think carefully about this role.

Hence the idea to the actor that plays the roles had photo clearly indicating at what's going on. This means that the actor in addition to the standard 5 images assigned to their age will be able to have additional photos of such a cult hero.

This picture will appear instead of the standard in the manufacture and launch of the actor will play the role of this iconic character (that is, a scenario, its role will be called the same way as this character).

Of course, this will not affect profits or a review score of the film, it is rather a little relish for lovers of a particular hero.

I need your help here.

It is this functionality will appear in the game and to what extent depends on you. More specifically, from which we will offer iconic heroes.

What you need to do

Send me photos of heroes that are considered by you for the cult in a format accepted by the game.

Photo Format . JPG of size 100×120 pixels. File size should not be larger than the 8 KB (the easiest way to do this is by setting the jpg compression to 80%, I use to any scaling/saving photos free XnView).

File should be named according to the following template:

name surname act_famous role.jpg

that is, for example.

harrison ford act_han solo.jpg

Send your proposals to the following address:

All uploaded by You files will be in the next version of the game.

Mam nadzieję, że podoba Wam się ten pomysł i chętnie pomożecie w jego realizacji.

4 thoughts on “Cult characters”

  1. A czy aktorzy młodzi, losowani przez grę, poprzez granie w naszych filmach otrzymaliby coś takiego z filmów które produkują gracze ? Wstępnie myślałem,że chodzi o coś takiego, też w kwestii sequelów, bo zauważyłem, że nie wiem czy w sequelu warto nazywać postacie tak samo jak w poprzedniej części i czy gra je ten sam aktor to wtedy coś zmienia 😛

    • As for the young actors that for a moment that I wondered but soon appeared a pair of nontrivial issues (e.g. how to sensibly choose random photo to the pyramid, except that these artists had to be hundreds of because I stupidly would be once the player sees some Photo and the next game will no longer be associated with the figure of completely different parameters… ) so the idea quickly fell…

      Jeżeli chodzi o sequele już pisałem póki co one nie działają (tzn nie mają żadnego wpływu na grę), zastanawiam się nad tym jak powinny działać (i wychodzi mi na to że zupełnie inaczej niż kiedyś planowałem 😉

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