As we recently summarized the previous poll concerning the cheat codes in the game (Yes, you) time to collect opinions about other aspects of the game… New poll concerns so real artists in the game. Always seemed to me that this is one of the most important features of the movie Business… but at last playtest before the release of version 0.9.4 one of my good friends said that he did not pay attention to the names of… only to parameters… Heavily me surprised… hence the idea to find out how you see this issue…
The real creators of the BF for me:
- killer feature (64%, 39 Votes)
- ciekawy "smaczek" (33%, 20 Votes)
- unnecessary add-in (and so did I look at the names of the only parameters) (3%, 2 Votes)
Voters: 61
The probe will also on the left side, on the home page… I encourage you to share your opinion…
Gdyby nie prawdziwe nazwiska przestałbym grać w to 😀
Czyli killer feature (ale z drugiej strony bez przesady od czego jest wyobraźnia 😉
Dla mnie to najważniejszy aspekt. Tomiga, gra już wymaga sporo wyobraźni, więc “tajemniczy” twórca osłabia temat moim zdaniem.
thats one of the big and unique reasons to play this game since no game is doing it in a way like that and whas wondering is there a forum for english users?
Thanks for comments. Unfortunately there is no forum for English speakers… in fact games is mainly known in Poland. But you can write comments here or on Facebook or just send comments by mail to me.