In the Film Business in addition to movies, from the beginning there was the issue of excess cash on luxury. In the first part of it was the cars, possessions and even airplanes. In the second, there are auctions where you can buy works of art. The functionality of this, judging by the acquired by the players trophy does not enjoy a particularly keen interest. I must admit, however, that my "mission" is to create a game that is also educational. In the case of X. Muse is this familiarizing yourself with maybe less known but it is important and valuable, or simply iconic brawlers developers (probably you have noticed that the cross-section of the creators of the game is very wide: from teen idols, iconic heroes tv series, by the biggest Hollywood stars, legends of the film after the creators of the movies. and independent productions).
Similarly, I would like to make the game as many magnates in other fields of art ... and specifically the painting. So, here's the end (because this feature was, of course, planned from the very beginning) their images of your photos. That is, you will be able to see what you buy at auction. Maybe this will encourage You more for this type of investment.