> Help > The Game > Film production > Basic characteristics of the film
In the production of the film, the player can modify the time allowed for the production of the film. It can be set to one of four values:
- -25% (shortening production time in relation to the default value of 1/4)
- 0 (default value)
- 50% of the (the time of production of the 1/2 in relation to the default value)
- 100% of the (to extend the production doubled in relation to the default value)
The longer the time, the developers have more time to refine the final work by what the end result should be better. To shorten the production time negatively reflected on its quality (but can be useful when you have incurred high loan and we want to reduce the amount spent on paying off the interest). Another extreme example of shortening the production of the film is an event the on an event occurring at a certain time (eg. Film Festival or the end of the passage of time in challenge mode).
Please note that this parameter can be modified without the knowledge of the player when the use of feature Denmark Freedom in the doings of the Director.
> Help > The Game > Film production > Basic characteristics of the film