
The second part of the Movie Business offers the possibility to export films produced by players to the site with statistics online MovieStats. Thanks to this, your best productions can go to the global BoxOffice where you can watch and compare achievements with other fans of the game. Unfortunately, due to the non-commercial nature of the Film Business, and thus the limitations in the amount of space available on hosting, it is not possible to send all the films produced by you. Sometimes, however, there are situations when you would like to share with other players (or the author of the game) a film that was not the best but stood out with something from other productions.

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Script adjustements

The scenarios that are the basis for the production of films in the Film Business, you can get in two main ways: buy a ready scenario on the free market, or create it from scratch, in its sole discretion.

When we entered into possession of a scenario it could not already be subject to modification. At most, during the production of the film, we can change its completion or ultimate movie censorship, which can lead to a reduction in the amount of violence and/or sex in the final production.

In the earliest version of the game will, however, the option to amendments to your scenario.

How it will look?

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Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair is the title of the novel by Williama Makepeaca Thackeraya wydanej w 1847 a będącej satyrą na angielskie społeczeństwo XIX wieku. To miejsce podejrzane, pełne fałszu, obłudy, kłamstwa i szacunku dla pozorów. Vanity Fair is also the name of a popular magazine on culture, politics, life and Vogue. And, in this context, it must be interpreted in the game.

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I want to appear in your film

W zbliżającej wersji BF2 pojawi się nowa funkcjonalność, która już kilka razy pojawiają się w propozycjach graczy. Dotyczy ona możliwości zgłoszenia się do nas jakiegoś bardziej znanego twórcy, który za znacznie niższą gażę zechce zagrać w naszej produkcji.

Oczywiście jest kilka warunków, które trzeba spełnić aby taka sytuacja mogła nastąpić.

Po pierwsze trzeba mieć asystenta. Założenie jest bowiem takie, że to nasz asystent w nieformalny sposób (np. na jakiejś imprezie) szepnie słówko jakiemuś aktorowi/aktorce (lub jego asystentowi) o naszej nowej produkcji, która to potencjalnie może go zainteresować.

Po drugie scenariusz do filmu musi być naszego autorstwa. Bo to właśnie oryginalność naszego filmu ma przekonać danego twórce do tej roli.

Po trzecie nie zawsze aktor, który będzie chciał u nas zagrać będzie z najwyższej półki ani nie jest powiedziane, że będzie to dobry aktor… będzie to po prostu popularniejsza postać niż ta którą oryginalnie dobraliśmy do obsady. Tak więc ostatecznie to Ty, jako producent, musisz podjąć decyzję czy ta “okazja” jest warta świeczki… może się okazać, że do Twojego ambitnego dramatu zgłosi się np. Paris Hilton…

I ostatnia kwestia… nie będzie to zbyt częste zdarzenie… nie oczekujcie więc, że co do drugiej Waszej produkcji będą pchały się tłumy aktorów chcący grać za pół darmo… po prostu gra być może, czasami Was zaskoczy.

Poll: Did cheat codes should appear in BF2

I'm not an advocate of cheating in games. Moreover, your opinion on this topic I in this text placed in Director's Cut When I discovered that players use prohibited practices in BFie. Recently, however, I looked at this issue from a slightly different perspective. Thanks to reading the first chapters of books dedicated to the Level Design which I mentioned You on the occasion of the collection on the pole. (Collection was a success and got already a brief but expert analysis, and the conclusions of it probably will contribute to the emergence of several new, small but interesting in-game items).

The author writes in it that the codes often use the most committed players to experiment and discover as much as possible depending on the game.

Don't panic on players who use fraud, until do not spoil the fun for other players. Codes to exclude some challenges allow them to tune the level of commitment to your own needs.

Hence the idea for this poll ... What do you think? Or cheat codes should appear in BF2?

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Stay Tuned or soon in Movie Business

Autumn is coming and for the fans of the movie Business is a good period of time. Then, typically, I have a bit more free time and i can sit more intensively to develop the game. Therefore, over the next several weeks you can expect to see a lot of activity in the topic.

In addition to informing You about upcoming news and progress, I'm going to a little kick-start firmly forgotten forum, a few, I hope interesting topics for discussion.

Perhaps you'll also see a few other surprises ... for now, but without the details not to zapeszać.

Watch so with more attention the project profiles on social networks, the official game forum ...

Update developers 31

I am pleased to present to you the next update of creators number 31. This time Kacper, hard working on the balance of the parameters of the current set, took a small break and decided to add a larger number of actors, which he believed was missing in the game. These are mostly solimid averages who have had the opportunity to play many famous films... But rather in less significant roles.

I, for my part, decided to complement the set of creators, fashionable lately, Scandinavian cinema (especially crime). I also added some interesting artists whose films could be watched during the last edition of the New Horizons Festival.

In total update adds or modifies 76 creators and 234 Photos. What makes the whole set exceeded 2000 Creators!!!

I hope this update will make you wait for the October area, when it starts a more intense period for film business fans and a real dump of information about the next version of the game…

For those who have forgotten how to update a set reminder link.

Level Design and Film Business or collection on PolakPotrafi

A few days ago, on organising social financing has been started project for ebook "Engineering games. Level design for beginners. " For its implementation corresponds to the team forming the blog Wonderland Engineering, the main founder and leader is Jacek Wesolowski. Jack's blog (formerly Inżynieria Wszechświetności) I'm following already for a long time and very price his texts and knowledge of game design (worked on by several very famous AAA titles so it has a lot of experience). Therefore, I decided to support this project and his crew.

No good but why You write about it. Well, this action may indeed have an impact on Business. In what way? Among the prizes offered for support is one in which the authors of this publication will undertake analysis of any game in terms of its design, which is what's working, what's not yet and how it can be improved. Of course, the game, which I intend to analyse is… The movie business 2.

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Upgrade to version 29

Dzisiaj mam dla Was aktualizację zestawu twórców o numerze 29. A w niej kolejna setka twórców z odświeżonymi statystykami oraz ponad 20 nowych postaci (tym razem sporo operatorów). A także coś specjalnego z okazji dnia kobiet… kobiety politycy, których do tej pory brakowało w grze 🙂

If you want to remind yourself how the process upgrade of the set looks like check here.

I przy okazji wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji zbliżającego się Dnia Kobiet dla wszystkich fanek Biznesu Filmowego!


Making of Movie Business Trailer

Today, another blog post in the series of Director’s cut that is, the text published on my private blog this time on how the first official trailer of the game. It is not limited only to the technical section, but it describes the entire process from assumptions, inspiration and initial ideas after the implementation of the technical and the problems associated with it.

Praising to I think it's quite an interesting text. The entry can be found on my personal blog

Premiere of the first trailer of Movie Business

Today I am pleased to present the official first official trailer Business. Fans are fond of playing on Facebook or having it in your circles on Google + can no longer see the pre-ordered version but they also find something new in this note.

I present to you, in fact, two versions of the trailer. Because I can't decide which of them should officially promote the game I decided to to you decided. Vote in poll, which of the following versions of the more you like it. Additional justification you can of course set in the comments.

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Version 0.8.7 fixes and optimizations

New version and new fixes. One of the players (Matthew) He found a rather serious bug that required a quick response. Hence the new version that corrects the problem he reported and introduces optimizations in downloading creators from IMDB. By the way, a small update of the set with the developers you submitted.

Feel free to updates.

Version 0.8.6 IE fixes and a few new arrivals

The main reason for the emergence of this version was correction of error reported by the user Maciekw7, regarding the lack of information about the awards won by the film in the savegame. However, it turned out that in addition to this important correction, I was able to include a few new, slightly smaller, but quite useful features.

Here are the most important ones:

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Anniversary: 10 years of the movie Business 2!

January 15, 2005 was officially released the first version Movie Business 2: Road to Hollywood oznaczona numerkiem 0.1.0 oraz statusem Alpha. Dzisiaj mija więc 10 lat od tej chwili! Jako, że głównym sposobem uczczenia tej rocznicy było wydanie kilka tygodni temu gry z opcją zapisu stanu rozgrywki dzisiaj kilku mniejszych aktualizacji i zmian w różnych miejscach na stronie.

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Cult characters

Just as there is a new version of the game, and I think the other interesting features. One of the following ideas that appeared are called. the cult of heroes.

What it is?

It often happens that the character played by the actor in a particular film is distinctive enough that when you create your film (e.g. the equivalent) do you think carefully about this role.

Hence the idea to the actor that plays the roles had photo clearly indicating at what's going on. This means that the actor in addition to the standard 5 images assigned to their age will be able to have additional photos of such a cult hero.

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Version 0.8.5 this with games now downloadable

I am pleasure to present groundbreaking, for the second part of the Movie Business, version 0.8.5 game, containing the expected, for a very long time, by many players saving of the game state.

Other highlights of the new version are:

For a complete list of changes and modifications see version history.

The game, as usual, can be download from Download MB2.

I wish you a pleasant fun.

P.S. Well, the record of the state of the game is already ... now I'm waiting for donations od wszystkich, którzy obiecywali, że zrobią ją jak ta opcja pojawi się w grze 😉

Refreshing the parameters of creators

Jakiś czas temu skontaktował się ze mną Kacper (MrWeista), jeden z graczy Biznesu Filmowego, z sugestią, że parametry wielu twórców wydają się być nieaktualne. Musiałem mu przyznać rację, gdyż wielu z nich było dodanych 10 (a nawet więcej) lat temu. A przez ten okres dużo się zmieniło zarówno w świecie filmu jak i w algorytmach oraz założeniach gry. Co ważne Karol nie tylko zauważył problem, ale również zaproponował konkretną pomoc w weryfikacji tych parametrów.

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Art market and selling of paintings

For a long time in the Film Business 2 it is possible to purchase works of art in the form of paintings. exactly... purchase, nothing more can be done with them. The new version will eventually allow you to fully invest in this market.

First, the paintings will be available for sale. Secondly, image prices will vary depending on several factors. These will events, the frequency of a given type of image (from a given style/specific author) at auctions, as well as market reactions to the actions of the connoisseur of Vico art.

Profits (or losses) will not be too large, but investing in works of art is intended to protect capital, especially against random events (which operate on the percentage of cash held by the player). Of course, you can not forget about the trophies associated with this element of the game.

It's all version 0.8.5

New game mode

Another novelty planned in the upcoming version of the Film Business is the new game mode. I admit that I did not plan to add more modes because It seemed to me that the current number of them is sufficient and provides a wide range of gameplay variants. After discussions with the players, however, it turned out that they had a slightly different point of view and wanted to play more stress-free at times.

So here are the assumptions of the new mode, which has been Quick game.

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Help: Trophies

Some players dopominali to the game. Because write the entire Department is quite a time-consuming job and unlikely to happen in one or even a few afternoons, I decided to gradually write the chapters describing the game. Here are today so the first part of the aid to the game dedicated to the Trophies.

The individual chapters of help will appear on the page Help.