As promised, just before another Gala hand Oscars I am pleased to present the next version of the movie Business 2 marked passes 0.9.4. However, before download it a few words of introduction.
As usual, a summary of the most important changes and innovations introduced in this version can be found at version history, and a more detailed description of the new functionality in the entry on my personal blog.
Until the release of the next version of the game was left very little time. According to tradition, invites so at your personal blog in order to get acquainted with the most important news, changes and modifications that appear in version 0.9.4 now any day. This is a summary of what you may have read on the project over the past several weeks in a single post. There are additional information which no longer had time to inform you and the new pictures from the game.
Today about the functionality, which was proposed by several people but I admit that that I have a lot of doubts about whether she should appear in the game. After all I did an experiment and I implemented the basic mechanics. Talking about relationships and chemistry between artists.
On the occasion of the entry of the cult films I mentioned that in the framework of the cycle Director's Cut I'm going to describe to you could the formation of this new functionality. Because the subject is quite extensive, I decided to dedicate an entire separate entry on his personal blog. It is now available at this link also included in the section Director's Cut.
In the Film Business in addition to movies, from the beginning there was the issue of excess cash on luxury. In the first part of it was the cars, possessions and even airplanes. In the second, there are auctions where you can buy works of art. The functionality of this, judging by the acquired by the players trophy does not enjoy a particularly keen interest. I must admit, however, that my "mission" is to create a game that is also educational. In the case of X. Muse is this familiarizing yourself with maybe less known but it is important and valuable, or simply iconic brawlers developers (probably you have noticed that the cross-section of the creators of the game is very wide: from teen idols, iconic heroes tv series, by the biggest Hollywood stars, legends of the film after the creators of the movies. and independent productions).
Similarly, I would like to make the game as many magnates in other fields of art ... and specifically the painting. So, here's the end (because this feature was, of course, planned from the very beginning) their images of your photos. That is, you will be able to see what you buy at auction. Maybe this will encourage You more for this type of investment.
Currently in Movie Business you can find cult characters which is the familiar characters played by specific actors in real movies. In the next version of time to go one step further and enter the cult movies. What they are and how they will look in the game, you will learn later in this entry.
Another problem, which is trying to resolve in the nearest version is a quick bankruptcy player at the beginning of the game. It is often the case that after two failed productions at the very beginning of the game, the player does not have the ability to rebound from the bottom, which can be frustrating, especially for those who are just starting their adventure with the Movie Business. One solution to this problem is to introduce deals executive producer about which I wrote before. Today at the second option "production with an investor".
Currently in the Film Business player in trouble financially, in desperation, you can use the help of the mafia. However, this is a last resort, not necessarily allow you to get out of the problems (and may cause feed in another ... in the end mafia sooner or later upomni for her). The new version will allow for more civilized approach to the problem, namely the ability to seek an external investor, which will allow for the partial financing of the production. Here's how this will work.
The movie business is not a game in which you will find too many fancy. By "wodotrysku" I understand such features, which do not affect in any way the deepening of the mechanics of the game, and are the only audiovisual rozpraszaczami/przyciągaczami. Hence, the game looks like it looks like… In the new version I decided to enhance it with a “fancy feature”. Will be the visualization of special effects. On what they rely on?
One of the more frequent complaints that occur in relation to the games, ranked primarily by beginners, is its randomness. Sheer randomness, however, is not the problem but the fact that often the Player cannot see the consequences of this randomness (in addition to the final assessment of the film). This situation occurs for example. during production of the film, when you make many calculations and some of them depends on certain factors. While some of them are visible to the player (such as star rating performance of the creators) is the other are not shown anywhere else.
The antidote for improving the current situation to be "production report" published after the war and show in detail several so far not visible decision pseudo random, which ultimately affected the final result of the film.
This report aims to facilitate understanding of the player why a particular film came out so and not otherwise. Not always the production report will contain some information – may be empty (that is, that there was some undesired random elements in addition to the performance artists).
This report can be useful in the future, when more features ... but more on that in subsequent episodes.
Work on the next version of the game are going pretty well. Last informed You in advance of your expected functionality Executive Producer. Information about the next news will appear after the new year. However, you do not bored by Christmas I have for you a few new chapters help to BF2. Perhaps not everybody is aware of the existence of aid, therefore, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with it. Can some of the items in the game will become better understood and will help you contact with the title.
All who follow social networks (Facebook / Google ) official game profile already know that work is underway on the next version. Today it is time for the first details associated with it. The first one goes, executive producer.
The idea of executive producer appeared inspired by the comments from the author Level Design for beginnersJacek Wesołowski. It turned out that BF2 doesn't allow safe experimentation. Failed decisions at the beginning of the game will result in a rapid defeat and discouragement among beginners. Remedy for it to be introduced recently short films ... They are cheaper to produce what in practice means to take less risk. Unfortunately, it seems that this idea was ultimately not good enough in practice.
I am pleased to introduce you to the first in the history of the Movie Business video tutorial to the game. It is dedicated to Cult Characters. In the 10 minute video, I tell you about what is the cult of the hero, as their use in his own film, and how to add new, with the use of the service MovieStats.
In the context of the work on the MovieStats appeared, in fact, a new option that allows you to add your own iconic characters for a particular actor or actress. This movie shows in detail how to do it.
The video is recorded with the Polish comments but there are also subtitles in English. In addition, all examples have been presented on the English-language version of the game and MovieStats so that the material will be helpful also for all not speaking the language of Polish.
This is the first of this type of material for the movie Business, so let us know what you think about it. If you like it maybe in the future will follow movies about other aspects of the game.
In addition, after watching the video, you can run the game. Yesterday's version0.9.2 contains more than 200 cult characters added by me. Immediately so you can try out this mechanism in practice. In MovieStats extended is also search engine. In addition to search it also allows developers to check whether a particular cult hero is back in the game. I hope that we also treat yourselves to add their favorite characters.
Today, we have not really expected but very important update to version 0.9.2 It improves critical bug with updating of creators… In the context of tomorrow's announcement I suggest, as soon as possible to download the latest version of the game.
It is slowly becoming a tradition that after the release of the next large version of the game, a short time after it, another one appears that is something like hotfixes. The effect of scale does its job and running the program on many computers, by many users causes finding further errors and faults. Some of them can be lived with, others are quite critical and require a fairly quick response.
This is also what happened with version 0.9.0, which, as it turned out, contains quite a serious error in the algorithms. It results in the fact that after a dozen or so years of gameplay, the popularity of many (moderately popular) creators soars into space. The problem was found again by Kacper, who sent me a video illustrating the problem ... After analysis, I was able to find its source and remove it.
By the way, a new mechanism that catches and automatically sends errors to the online server has proven itself. Thanks to it, I got automatic reports of several other (smaller) problems arising in specific situations.
I was pleased to announce that, after several months of intensive work, you can already download the version 0.9.0 Film Business 2. But before you do that, read some important information.
Information about changes and news in this release can be found in version history, and a more detailed description of the new functionality in the entry on my personal blog.
With the new version, the game requires an updated .NET Framework library (up to version 4.5). Rest assured, most likely nothing special you do not have to do, because you probably already have them installed on your systems (this library is very popular and is used by many applications such as video card drivers). If it is not detected during installation, the installer will inform you and indicate where it can be download. However, if for some reason something went wrong, just let me know by email. I will try to help you solve the problem.
The new version of the Movie Business 2 marked passes 0.9.0 is fast approaching. So collect all the news, changes and modifications that appear in this version of the game and summarize it in one post. Welcome to the text on the my private blog, where in addition to a summary of all recent posts about the new version, there is some slightly more extensive comments to each of the new features, as well as a few not yet described. Link to this entry has also been placed in the section Director's Cuts.
As you probably know some parameters in the Film Business is dynamic. This means that they change over time. So far this was parameters associated with sex appeal and the action of the creator. This mechanism was used to simulate aging. In the new version of the time will be subject to two more: popularity and talent.
The version of 0.9.0 film business will allow you to store a player profile. Cloud or on the game server.
In which situations this feature can be handy:
When we play more than one computer or start the game at the first but we leave for example. For the holidays to the house, and we would like to continue for example gaining further challenges. Then we can export such a profile before leaving and then import it on the new computer (where we previously installed the game).
Another common case is to reinstall the computer. Here again before reinstalling export profile and reinstall we can recover it from the cloud.
Due to the fact that storing a profile in the cloud occupies a valuable space on the server is a feature available for donors From the gold level.
Nowa wersja Biznesu Filmowego wprowadza kilka istotnych zmian i usprawnień w recenzjach. Pojawienie się sequeli wymusiło znaczne rozbudowanie ilości warunków, które wpływają na ich tworzenie. Niezbędne było dodanie wielu zależności pomiędzy nowym filmem, a oryginałem, począwszy od jego oceny, przez wartości poszczególnych parametrów scenariusza, po obecność lub brak konkretnych twórców oraz oceny ich występu w obu częściach. Zależności są dosyć skomplikowane i… zobaczymy jak będą sprawdzać się w praktyce. Sugeruję jednak uważne przyglądanie się nowym recenzjom 🙂
Until now, short films have been one of the genres. It wasn't the happiest solution because short yardage is a form rather than a genre. I decided to change it and the impulse was the comments I received from the author Level Design books about game design, which I mentioned to you on the occasion of the collection on the site Polak Potrafi.
As a supporter of this project, I chose the opportunity to receive an analysis of any game as a reward. Of course, the choice fell on Film Business 2. As a result, I received a few page document along with some suggestions about the design of the game. One of them was to give players the opportunity to experiment more easily without incuring a lot of risk, in the form of losses leading to rapid bankruptcy. Jacek, the author of the study, as a solution has just proposed the creation of short films that would be cheaper to produce, and therefore, in case of success, the consequences of this would not be so severe for the player.
I really liked this suggestion, and that I was going to get rid of short films anyway, it was a good opportunity to modify the game.
Today about the new functionality available to Donors. Several times there were suggestions from players to allow for an infinite game time or to be able to continue the game after completing the standard time for a given type of game. I didn't quite like this idea due to the fact that the game contains many time-dependent algorithms. These include aging creators and other dynamic parameters. An additional problem is data structures that can be overloaded with too long a game period. A longer explanation of the lack of such functionality can be found in FAQ section.
However, to meet the expectations of players, I decided to do a little experiment and provide a new option called Game+.
The movie business is constantly being developed, appear in the newer and more sophisticated hence I have found that the current amount of donations do not reflect inserted time and effort in creating the game. Since their findings it has been, in fact, a lot of time during which the game heavily developed and offers a lot more features and powerful options. As that in the latest version appear more features available only to donors decided to slightly modify the thresholds for each level.
Temporary production costs are the additional costs incurred by the producer in the production of the film. Their amount depends on the quantities and types of developers involved in our project. So far, their size, however, was independent of the budget of the film causing a player to produce a film about the multimillion budget of even ignoring them.
The new version of the game it will change. Monthly production costs will depend on the budget (the cost of the entire movie). What will be the consequences? Ano such that much more will have to be careful of the length of the production of the film. With every month since these costs can (but need not – due to the random factor) to grow.
In the current (0.8.7) version of the game, in the production of the new film you will see option “sequel”However, it does not have any significantly on the fate of such production. When I started to wonder how it would look in the final form of an implementation of this functionality I've come to the conclusion that it should behave quite differently than it used to be I thought.
So here is how to look the sequels made from version 0.9.0 Movie Business 2.
Another feature that was hosted in the production window of the new film almost from the beginning but so far has not been implemented, is the possibility of free hand meals to the director. In the new version of the game, finally, this option will start to work.
What will it consist of? Well, in a big cinema on the final shape of the movie very strongly influences the manufacturer often limiting the activities Director (hence the crop of movies in versions of reżyserskich which represent a real vision of the Director). In the Film Business, the player (or the manufacturer) will have the opportunity to Denmark a certain freedom in the doings of the Director affecting the ultimate shape of the film.