In the next version… Changes to the game modes

One of my lecturers from Human-Computer Interaction course asked us once how much the application should have modes?… The correct answer was… 1. It is clear from this perspective that Movie Business is a badly designed application with 4 game modes. Unfortunately, life is not easy and different users have different needs and preferences, hence the number of game modes in the Movie Business will be greater than 1 ... However, observation of players' behavior has made me realize that some changes are needed in this area.

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In the next version… Character types in the scenario

The first new functionality that will appear in the 2019 edition, about which I would like to tell you are character types.

Until now, creating a movie based on a specific scenario during choosing the actors it was best to fit them to the genre of a given movie. For example, for action films, we usually chose actors with a large action parameter. This strategy worked very well in the game, but it was a certain simplification in relation to reality, because not always the best action movies consisted of heroes whose main attribute was overall physical fitness. The best action films in history, apart from the interesting hero, also had interesting villains – and often side characters with different characteristics that gave them uniqueness. In addition, placing X characters with similar characteristics in the movie strongly limits the target audience to lovers of a particular genre.

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Work on the 2019 Edition started!

The faithful fans of the game know that end of the year is the time when I work more intensively over the next edition of the Movie Business game. So today I can officially confirm this. So, work over Edition 2019 Edition has been started. Apart from this annoucement I have today also some general information about the content of the next edition.

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Update 2 version 2018 Movie Business and creators of version 50

Another update edit 2018 is ready to download. It does not make too many changes, but corrects several errors, and improves the game balance.

For a complete list of changes see version history. The game you obtain it, as usual, with the subpage Download MB2.

This version also updates the set makers to 50 version which adds a 194.

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Update 1 to the 2018 Edition available for download

As announced in announcement the first update to the 2018 Edition is ready for download.

The most important news and changes:

  • Analysis of films
  • The proposal to finance the film director
  • Filter by age of creators in the window of production
  • New events on the set
  • Improvement of casting algorithms in cult films
  • Optimizations of loading cult movies
  • Optimization algorithms for festivals
  • Corrected translation of the English version of the review
  • as well as other fixes and improvements

For a complete list of changes see version history. The game you obtain it, as usual, with the subpage Download MB2.

Of course, as always, I look forward to your comments, ideas, reactions and of course information about problems or errors.

If you have not heard about the Movie Business and you are here for the first time, you can also refer to the section Director's Cut and Help page, where you can find a lot of information that can help you in the early stages of exploring, this already quite extensive, games.

If you like the game I remind you of the possibility of Donations 🙂


What does the update 1 to edit the 2018

The first update to the 2018 Edition of the game should appear in the next few days. Although the main purpose of the update is to improve the detected errors, improves application stability and optimization of its operation there will also be some new features. I invite you to this time a short summary of the changes and new features in the next version of the game.


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In the next version. Analysis of films

The movie business is contrary to appearances, quite a complex game with tons of flavors and nuances that are difficult to explain in a few sentences, which makes it especially beginner players may have trouble understanding the depending on the leading to obtain appropriate results.

Hence the new version appears option that allows you to analyze produced by You videos ... where appeared the idea and as such an analysis will look in practice, you will learn the following entry.

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2018 Edition reviews

It has been a week since the release of 2018 Edition so it's time to get to know your opinion on the latest version of the game. It is true that already got a few people a few nice words to suggest that appealed to you a taste but I'd learned a bit more detailed impressions of the game.

Szczególnie, że wkrótce powinna pojawić się pierwsza aktualizacja. Choć wygląda, że już pierwsza wersja edycji 2018 jest całkiem stabilna (przynajmniej nie otrzymałem sygnałów aby coś mocno się sypało.) To kilka błędów logicznych udało się już wykryć. Nie są one krytyczne ale dobrze by było je naprawić zanim zaczniecie je wykorzystywać 🙂

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Director's cut: a summary of what's new in 2018

This is the last straight to finish work on a new edition of the Movie Business. Until the release of 2018 Edition left little time (though still finds that require some polishing). To make You wait, according to tradition, on my personal blog He was an extensive text summarizing what you may have read in the sections on this page. Of course this information is extended with many curiosities and bear numerous pictures of the game (as well as a few things have changed in relation to the initial assumptions).

Link to this entry, of course, has been added to the Director’s cut and now I invite you to read a long text about What's new in editing the movie Business 2018.

In the next version… Gossips

To increase involvement in the game at the instigation of one of the players (greetings to Kacper) I decided to enter the item that you may not have too much the importance of practical but makes the game seem “life of its own live”. This element is gossips.

Gossips their separate Panel on the home page of games in which it will appear different messages about the world.

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In the next version… Improved artificial intelligence (AI)

In the last few versions, despite the emergence of new mechanic, computer players are driven by artificial intelligence does not use them. Embarrassing so to make up for the backlog and slightly expand the game in this aspect. Fortunately, I was able to spare some time to expand the logic, you will use the computer players. So here is a brief overview of the changes in this aspect of the game, which significantly influenced the entire game.

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In the next version… Universes

When in the Movie Business have emerged sequels part of the players was a bit disappointed that they ran out of space on the universes and the ability to make crossover. Do not put them as types of sequels because, in my opinion, this is a slightly different case. An additional problem was logic, that would hide them, because how the universe would affect the profits of movies? The problem was distribution of accents, when in the production mix for example. Heroes 4 completely different series, of varying popularity, fans etc. The assumption that increased to automatically base fans is too easy, because each player would do in the movies regardless of whether it makes sense or not…

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In the next version… Tutorials

The movie business every moment gains the rail option, and becomes more and more complicated. One of the users of Reddit (where sometimes I put information about new versions of the game) drew attention to the fact that the game does not have any tutorial. I admit that from my point of view this is the element with the lowest priority, because personally, I prefer to spend your limited time to develop games, and not documentation. Unfortunately, the reality is that the issues of tutorials to no end can be omitted. Today, when games for pennies or completely free is a whole bunch and it's cross-platform, when someone finds a niche game, creator has mostly only a few minutes for the new player interest in its production. In addition, when the game is so poor graphically how the movie Business by far harder to require players to spend they enough time to learn its nuances or horror of horrors to read the documentation (which after all to help for game exists and contains quite a lot of interesting details).

Hence I made the decisions that a stopgap tutorial would be useful, however, in the game.

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In the next version… Events during production and producer decisions

Another, at first glance, a small modification that will appear in the new version of the game is to change the approach to evaluating the developers that occur in the movie. So far all of the enumerations associated with the determination of how well individual developers have done their job (enumeration performance) were made at the time of release. Now the most important element of which is the assessment of performance artists will be made at the very beginning of the production. This small change and has tremendous consequence and creates completely new possibilities. It's probably the biggest revolution in the game since the introduction of writing games.

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In the next version… Contracts

Options contracts jumping somewhere in the ideas of the players, however, there was no justification for its implementation from the point of view of mechanics (it was hard to put them together with some other elements from the world of the game). With the advent of the sequels some began to grieve over the fact that they do not always all the developers were available when they wanted to make a follow-up to his blockbuster. At this point the option began to take the meaning I had to find a sensible way of integrating a the mechanics in the game.

And here I guess. Along with the next version there is a new option that allows you to sign the contract with the chosen developer. Contracts will be subject to the following rules.

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Version 0.9.5 this with cheat codes

Today the premiere of the next version of the game marked passes 0.9.5. This time, there's not much new functionality or rather, grinding and minor extensions to what already exists in the game. The changes apply in most parts but it apparently details make the difference. I invite you to look at the changes introduced and modifications, which the summary can be found in the further part of this entry.

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In the next version:

Film Business 2 already has so much of the content that I have found useful to the internal search engine. Thanks to it you will be able to:

  • search for information about the movies and artists
  • you will receive additional special features not available from the normal interface
  • additional statistics about the set
  • use cheat codes

Below you will find a bit more information about each of the above options.

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Experience with version 0.9.4

It has been a week since making version 0.9.4 (and hot patch to it) so it's time to gather your feedback and comments on this version.

However, before I go into details, I would say that makes me very happy that quickly gave me know about problems. Thanks to the cooperation with you (thanks to Bartosz) managed to quickly detect and diagnose the problem and let HotFixa, which solved it.

Cooperation with the community and your quick reactions are essential especially in the case of projects such as business, that are created by one person, who has a fairly limited both temporary and hardware (testing on a small number of configuration). Therefore, if you find a problem in the game, do not hesitate to send a message to Facebook profile or email the details (the more the better).

I also enjoyed Your first impressions and reviews that you submitted to me immediately after the release of the game. Now when you have a little time on the limited new version waiting for more.

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Hotfix that is a new version of

As is usually the case. that is how to throw the game on deep water it appear any problems. This time, Kathy found a bug related to bad counting scenarios created by the player. The problem is, on average, appears sporadically (only Bartosz it reported) but I suggest at the earliest opportunity update the game (because, as it appears you will not be able to create a scenario). By the way, I fixed a couple of small things (what you can see in the version history.)

As, that treats it as a hot fix, the game doesn't force you to update, and the new version is marked passes (it is important for the tip) and dated today. Welcome to the download page