Editions 2023 Movie Business 2 is ready to download. However, before you proceed to download the file, a few summary words about what you will find in this version.
As I mentioned this time there are not too many novelties, but here are the most important of them:
- Custom creator kits
- own logo
- A set of fictional creators
- chat with assistant
- the game runs under Linux (under Wine)
- new photos of young creators (generated by AI)
- Create a star: Plastic surgery
- changes in the algorithms
- and many more, such as interface fixes, new developers and reviews, bug fixes and other smaller improvements
A more detailed description of the most important changes can be found in dedicated entries from the Director's cut series:
All changes can be found in version history
Some statistical information about the 2023 edition
- Creators Kit version 76 containing over 5500 creators!
- over 6130 reviews elements
- almost 16 000 pictures of creators and cult characters
- over 3570 cult films
Important information
- The installation file has been renamed instead of BF2Setup.exe The new one is called MovieBusiness2Edition2023_00_Setup.exe
- Changes also touched the current base MovieStats która została wyczyszczona z Waszych informacji statystycznych oraz filmów.
- Wasze AKTYWNE profile pozostały (profile nie aktywne zostały usunięte).
- Zaktualizowano format zapisu gry. Wasze stary zapisy gry will not be available!
How to download
You download it as usual with subpage Download MB2 (where there are direct links to the game on itch.io and IndieDB).
Oczywiście jak zawsze czekam na Wasze uwagi, pomysły, reakcje no i oczywiście informacje o problemach lub błędach. Zapraszam w szczególności do dzielenia się swoimi opiniami na Discord.
In case of problems
Zalecane jest wyłączenie na czas instalacji programów antywirusowych (sprawiają problemy) Jeżeli podczas pobierania/instalacji napotkasz problem z Windows Defender check out This thread on the forum!
Gra działa na Linuksie
Wymaga do działania Wine więcej szczegółów znajdziecie na podstronie Movie Business on Linux
Note for users with high definition monitors
If you are using a high definition monitor (>1080p) or you have set the fonts in your system to size > 100%. You may have problems displaying windows correctly in the game. You will find the solution to this problem in a special post on the forum
If you have not heard about the Movie Business and you are here for the first time, you can also refer to the section Director's Cut and Help page, where you can find a lot of information that can help you in the early stages of exploring, this already quite extensive, games.
If you like the game I remind you of the possibility of Donations 🙂
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