Photos generated by artificial intelligence most wanted… and how you can help.
As you know, in the Movie Business photos generated by artificial intelligence are used for visualization young creators. The content generated by artificial intelligence has been very popular in recent months. A lot of websites have been created, which with the help of the latest AI algorithms generate absolutely everything. The progress is very large, the photos generated are of much better quality than a few years ago. Hence the idea to complement, and ultimately replace, photos of current young artists with newer versions. As I am currently working on the next edition of the game (and time until the Oscars is running out) I have a request for you. Well, if you played with such services as DALL-E 2, MidJourney, BlueWillow, Lexica, Deamlike, InstantArt, Astria, Playground AI czy podobnymi i chcielibyście aby wygenerowane przez Was dzieła pojawiły się w grze. Po prostu wyślijcie mi je.
Kilka zasad jakie powinny spełniać takie grafiki.
- mają do być fotorealistyczne portrety ludzi (nie dzieła fantasy 😉
- portret powinien przedstawiać twarz (mniej więcej do ramion)
- zdjęcie powinno być formacie gotowym do użycia w grze czyli plik Jpg w rozmiarze 100×120 pixels
I w sumie to wszystko. Jak macie ochotę pobawić się AI oraz pomóc w tworzeniu gry to śmiało generują darmowe zdjęcie i ślij je do mnie 🙂
Aktualizacja (2023-02-06)
Na oficjalnym kanale Discord gry You will find 4 new channels starting with Mj. This is the official MidJourney bot that allows you to generate images by AI.
- mj-creators-male – Here you can create male characters
- mj-creators-female – Here you can create female characters
- mj-creators-anime – Here you can create anime characters
- MJ-LOGOS – Here you can create logos
Just type the following command
/imagine [and in prompt description of the photo you want to generate]
/Imagine photorealistic headshot portrait of young white woman with long hair