I have two messages for you. Good one and ... good one but a bit in the long run. As you may remember, I recently had health problems. Do not worry looks that everything is back to normal and my mood is very good. According to the principle of "always look on the bright side of life" even during this period, you can sometimes see the positives. And in this case it is about more free time that I have recently available. Thanks to this, in addition to returning to work on the Movie Business, I could, for example, catch up on games and learn about one of the most iconic games of recent years which is… The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
OK, but why am I writing about this, and what does the Witcher have to do with the Movie Business? Well, the gameplay, in this undoubtedly fantastic production, inspired me to a few ideas that I would like to implement in my game. However, it is not about total “copy” but for some slightly more abstract concepts regarding game development. It's all about extending the game engine to support new and I think very interesting features ... You probably already want to know what these features are? Patience, I will tell you more about this in the near future.
A jakie to ma konsekwencje? Otóż być może nieco przedłuży się proces tworzenia Edycji 2020. Spokojnie, nie będzie to pół roku (jak to w przypadku Cyberpunka 2077, nowego projektu studia odpowiedzialnego za Wiedźmina 😉 ale kilka tygodni. Ogólnie, to co planowałem zaimplementować w Edycji 2020 jest już w 90% skończone. Zostały jeszcze testy (które pewnie chwilę zajmą). Jednak w tej chwili zacząłem wdrażać nowe pomysły zainspirowane w pewien sposób Wiedźminem. Jest to dosyć żmudna praca ponieważ jest jej dużo, a efekty (póki co) mało widoczne. Jednak stworzenie odpowiedniego silnika to podstawa do dalszego rozwoju gry. Dlatego chciałbym wykorzystać moment w którym mam więcej czasu aby wprowadzić te zmiany.
Work on the engine, contrary to appearances, is also important from your perspective, because if I manage to make a flexible engine enough, I will be able to provide you with a simpler way new features without side effects eg. incompatible game saves (or at least for an extended period of time – because eventually data structures will evolve anyway).
Will the extended engine capabilities be already visible in the 2020 edition? Partly, but I think it will be something like a demo version to show you what can be achieved in it. I just will not have time to create content that will fully use my ideas, and I don't want to keep you with last year's version of the game too long, because probably some of you are already looking forward to the new edition.
I hope that this sample of capabilities that I will try to include in the future version will encourage you to send me your own ideas on how to use the new features that the game will gain. And if I can do a sufficiently flexible engine ... then maybe new content will appear along with subsequent, smaller updates.
To sum up be patience ... but a new and better Movie Business is coming ...