It seems to me that the marketing element of the Movie Business is somewhat neglected by me. The game is not popular enough as it could be and one of the facts is its insufficient promotion, e.g. the lack of more video materials presenting the game or selected elements of the game in a more detailed way.
In connection with the work on the Movie Business 2020 edition, I intend to devote a little more time to preparing video materials about the game. And here I have a question for you regarding the language version in which these materials should be prepared. Until now, movies about the game were recorded in my native language, i.e. in Polish. In addition, English subtitles were available. The reason for this was simple. Most of the players came from Poland. Recently, however, looking at the statistics of new users, I noticed that the number of players outside my home country has increased. At the moment, the proportions look 50/50. Hence my question about the language versions.
In what language should new video materials about the game be recorded?
- English (46%, 30 Votes)
- English with Polish subtitles (32%, 21 Votes)
- Polish with English subtitles (22%, 14 Votes)
Voters: 65
Results of the previous poll
A total of 52 people voted in it and the results are as follows.
How often do you read descriptive reviews?
- always but only for my movies (40%, 21 Votes)
- always for my movies and sometimes for others (21%, 11 Votes)
- sometimes (15%, 8 Votes)
- I do not read because I'm not interested (10%, 5 Votes)
- do not read because I get bored (8%, 4 Votes)
- often (6%, 3 Votes)
Voters: 52
I admit that it's nice that descriptive reviews are not quite boring for you and I should still develop this element of the game (at least by providing new texts from time to time). This is a good tip before the release of the next edition of the game… I will try to reserve some time for adding some fresh texts.