A large part of the beginner players are still complaining about the unpredictability of the game (more specifically, it can not be reconciled with the fact that one movie brings huge profits while the other, similar at the first glance, makes a lot of losses). It seems to me that the core issue is not the unpredictability itself, but the lack of tools to analyze what is happening in the game. Hence, in the new version, such a tool will appear in the form of simple analytical tools.
Currently available information about the finances (costs and revenues) of the film are condensed. It means at any moment you can check parameters such as its cost, profit, balance sheet or rate of return, as well as the amounts you have allocated for advertising or post-production. However, these are information only at a given moment – without the ability to trace history. This makes it impossible to observe changes of these indicators over time. This makes it difficult to find dependencies (eg the fact that the premiere of your new movie affects the popularity => the profits of your older production in BoxOfficie).
Therefore, in the new version, in the detailed information about the film, you will see a new tab Analysis. You will be able to check the costs / profits that were spread over time illustrated with charts. Thanks to this you will be able to check how some events affected the profits of your production.
I hope that this new tool will prove useful when analyzing the financial history of your production. If you have any ideas about statistical information about your films that you would like to see, let me know. We will see what can be done (if not in the nearest version in future updates).