What does the update 1 to edit the 2018

The first update to the 2018 Edition of the game should appear in the next few days. Although the main purpose of the update is to improve the detected errors, improves application stability and optimization of its operation there will also be some new features. I invite you to this time a short summary of the changes and new features in the next version of the game.


Key new features

I will begin with new features that you will find m.in:

Analysis of films – that is an extra option that allows you to analyze the movie after production in order to obtain information about why it does not meet our expectations. A more detailed description of this feature, please refer to the dedicated post.

The proposal to finance the film of some director – This will be a new event in which a Director may file with the idea for the film, which we will be able to finance. The Director presents a complete proposal from a script by selecting a specific cast after the studio. The role of the player is limited only to accept or reject such proposal (and, of course, plunk down on it). What's more the Director receives the full freedom to work.

Filter by age of creators in the window of production. Here you should small explanation well, the game does not operates age creators in the literal sense. Only the number of years from the start of a career. Since I received that some would like to its production involved the developers of a certain age I decided to add the option (though as I said age is here the concept very contractual).

Boredom of genre – If too many movies from one species will be on the market (still bear profits) is interest in them will be decreased. This is to encourage producers to try with other species films (than those the most popular).

New events on the set – you will see a few new developments on the plan.


Najważniejsze zmiany, modyfikacje i optymalizacje

Improvement of casting algorithms in cult films – Already in the previous version were to receive the cult movies z roku 2017 niestety okazało się że nawet najnowsze i najpopularniejsze filmy mają niekompletne dane w IMDB która jest pobierana przez dedykowane API. Sprawiło to sporo problemów i zaniechałem dodawania takich filmów przed poprzednim releasem. Teraz miałem nieco więcej czasu aby popracować nad zmodyfikowanymi algorytmami które lepiej sobie radzą z niespójnymi danymi zwracanymi przez IMDB. Ich działanie będzie widoczne nie tylko dla nowych filmów ale dla tych które już wcześniej były dostępne (nie zdziwcie się więc jak zobaczycie inną obsadę w znanych Wam już kultowych filmach).

Optimizations of loading cult movies – New algorithms which I mentioned in the previous point, unfortunately, still more extended processing time of cult films, which took place at the beginning of the game. So I had to completely change the approach to the handling of such production. At this time, in the beginning they only pre scanned and the relevant analysis is performed at the time when the film is to be produced. Managed by shorten the time necessary to start the game (load the cult movies in pre scan is faster).

Optimization algorithms for festivalsKolejną istotną i być może kontrowersyjną zmianą jest fakt, że od teraz będzie trudniej zdobyć nagrody na festiwalu. Nie wynika to jednak z zaostrzenia kryteriów festiwalowych ale z faktu że będziecie mieli większą i lepszą konkurencję. Do tej pory często zdarzało się że film gracza był jedynym nominowanym do festiwalu przez co automatycznie zdobywał nagrody niemal w każdej kategorii. W nowej wersji nie będzie już tak prosto bo konkurencja będzie liczniejsza. Co za tym idzie może się zdarzyć że nawet Wasz bardzo dobry film nie otrzyma żadnej nominacji.

I to są najważniejsze nowości i zmiany których możecie się spodziewać. Oprócz nich oczywiście poprawiono kilku drobniejszych lub nieco poważniejszych problemów wykrytych w poprzedniej wersji.

4 thoughts on “What does the update 1 to edit the 2018”

  1. Super, fajnie się zapowiada, jestem tylko ciekaw kiedy mniej więcej można aktualizacji się spodziewać? 🙂

    • The new version is just release so no Italian version included sorry

      In general I do not plan to add additional version of translation as it make no sens for languages which I do not know (I do not know Italian). The problem is that apart from huge number of reviews there is also problem with complexity of language use there. Most of the fragements of reviews form which the whole review is build in the game came from real critics review. Sometime the wording used in them is quite difficult, a lot of idioms are used very often some “playing with words” which may have sens in Polish but not other language.

      The English version of translation show that automatic translation is not able to handle such complicated task (the English version of review is much worst than oryginal Polish one)

      In fact the newest version has already much improved translation of English version of reviews but still it is far from perfect. By automatic translation to Itialian I am afraid it will sound horrible (and illogical) and as I am not able to veryfiy this I do not want to put such translation into official release.

      But if you really interested in translation you can do it by your own… it is not so complicated. If you want to know details send me an email I will provide you guideline how to do it.

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