or new addresses

The last serious failures (the server aliases to Web pages) meant that access to services related to the project BF was heavily eroded. The whole situation irritated me enough that I made the decision to buy back its own domain.

Because I have a couple of non-commercial projects too expensive would be the establishment of a separate domain for each of them. Therefore, I decided to group all your "work" under one umbrella:

From today, so the official addresses of the parties associated with the film Business:

An additional benefit for you, with the new domains, no ads that pop up when I used the aliases

Although the old redirects still remaining (today, probably even work) is looking at their niedeterministyczność, I suggest to update your bookmarks and use the new, official addresses.

If You are interested in a slightly longer history I invite you to your private blog where I devoted this event full entry.

3 thoughts on “ or new addresses”

  1. Jak juz masz wszystko pod kontrola, to moze niech to bedaprawdziwedomeny, a nie aliasy? Wyrazy uznania za odreklamowanie, przysluzyla sie ta awaria 🙂

  2. @Harry, a myślałem, że komentarz był pod wpisem na blogu (wordpress login) 😉

    Jak na razie trick jest taki: jest przekierowaniem gdyby ktos chcial linkowac do konkretnych wpisow jest domena 🙂 (z tym że wówczas adres nie zmienia się do konkretnych podstron)

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