The first update set BF2

The first official update of the film business kit 2 is now available! It contains 43 creators and 80 photos, you added (and passed the moderation stage positively). For the record, i described the detailed process of adding my own creators in This place.

What should I do to get the update? Simply that you activate game mode that uses a default set of developers (that is, virtually every;). At this point, the game should inform you about the availability of Assembly updates and download new data. If the process is successful, you will receive the basic statistical information, along with the version to which the set has been updated. You can also see who the creators were added/modified.

NOTE: this is the first such action so you have to count with the fact that some of you may have some issues (experience shows that there is always someone with a specific configuration of the computer, which makes problems;)). In case, if you have any errors please, such information, along with as many details. We will wonder what is wrong and how to fix the problem.

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